The cocoa connection: from plant to product

We are pleased to tell you something about the origins of our chocolate products that you know and love: the cacao tree and the special conditions of its flower growth and harvest, and the processing of the beans. And if you wonder what the difference between cacao and cocoa is: cacao refers to the species of Theobroma cacao tree which produces those coveted seeds (beans), and cocoa typically refers to the powder that is made by grinding these beans.
Are there birds and bees involved in cacao pollination?
Alas for the bees, they are too large and chunky to be able to get into the tiny, delicate flowers of the cacao plant. Only very small insects can reach the flower’s intricate reproductive system and the most important known pollinators are minuscule flying insects known as biting or gall midges. But because these midges are so small, they can only carry a limited amount of pollen to another plant. Also, it’s very important that there is a welcoming environment for these insects so that they can lay eggs, thrive, and be active – otherwise pollination becomes extremely difficult.

That’s why it’s essential that evergreen rainforests with their humidity and moist soil conditions are protected, and they also happen to be the perfect growing area for cacao trees.
And did you know this interesting fact? The cacao flower is hermaphrodite, meaning it has both a female part (where the ovules are) and a male part (the pollen-making structure). However, the pollination still must occur between flowers of different trees, which can be some distance apart. Possibly a huge distance for a tiny flying midge.
How do cacao beans grow, and how are they harvested and processed?
Cacao trees need tropical, humid climates and they thrive in the lower growing levels of evergreen rainforests. The trees grow best under the shade of higher trees and plants. The fruits that a cacao tree bears are called pods, and they can grow up to a pound in weight. Inside it are usually 20 to 60 beans (or seeds), embedded in whitish, fruity, sweet-tasting pulp.

Once the pods are ripe they are generally harvested by hand by making a clean cut with a sharp blade, so as not to damage the branch. This way, new fruits can grow on a branch. The pods are opened usually within a week to ten days after harvesting to remove the beans. If the opening is done on the plantation, the discarded husks can be distributed throughout the fields to return nutrients to the soil.
The beans are then fermented and dried. Early in the fermentation process the pulp starts to break down and drain away from the beans. The pulp can be processed into a naturally sweet juice or other products. Meanwhile, complex chemical reactions take place both around and in the beans, which cause the chocolate flavour and colour we know and love to develop.

After fermentation, the beans are sun-dried, a process that can take several days depending on the type of bean. Natural sunlight is preferred over fuel dryers as it minimizes the risk of smoke-related pollution. The drying is a careful process: drying too quickly cuts the chemical processes short, leaving a bitter taste to the beans, but taking too long can cause moulds and an ‘off’ flavour. It takes a lot of care and expertise to deliver cacao beans that make high quality cocoa powder and chocolate!
Why are cacao trees so important?
One could answer with a question: can you live without chocolate? But on a more serious note, the cacao tree is native to the rainforest and rainforest conditions make it thrive. Conservation of rainforests can thus be motivated by economical use of protected land. This way, the rest of the ecosystems in these rainforest areas are also supported by the practice of sustainable agroforestry.
By choosing organic cocoa products you help in supporting and sustaining the delicate process of pollination: by creating the best environment for both the much-needed insects and the precious and intricate flower system of the cacao plant. Which, in our opinion, is the best path to enjoying the excellent and rich flavours of cocoa and chocolate!